Monday, August 31, 2009


I love taking pictures of flowers. I like it, that is, when they turn out correctly! So often they're unfocused and blury. Here are a few of the ones that worked out right.
Morning Glories

Purple hostas

Unidentified (If you could help me with this, I'd be quite grateful)
And I couldn't help including this picture, even though it's not a flower. I was baking cookies earlier this month, when I saw this. It was not planned. :)


Monday, August 10, 2009


Two weeks ago at my church softball game, I noticed a picture just waiting to be taken.

Evan (the tall one), and Stefan (the little head).

The little one had adopted the big one, and sat with him through most of the game. :) Now, aren't those cute pictures? Especially the first one. And the colors are just about perfect, I think.
