Monday, August 10, 2009


Two weeks ago at my church softball game, I noticed a picture just waiting to be taken.

Evan (the tall one), and Stefan (the little head).

The little one had adopted the big one, and sat with him through most of the game. :) Now, aren't those cute pictures? Especially the first one. And the colors are just about perfect, I think.



Kristen said...

Oh, my, there's my arm! :P I see Heather, too. And what's-her-name...and Fred! :P

Stefan is so cute. (Did you know him and Evan are cousins?) He's wearing orange...I bet that's his Thomas the Tank Engine and "choo-choo tracks" shirt.

Excellent photos. :)

Queen Lucy said...

Aww, those pictures are so cute!! :) (Sorry, I'm being lazy and don't want to sign in. :P)

Anonymous said...


You should visit the Photograph section at

Aunt B.